[OC] Total positivity in comments by subreddit. Reddit makes supportive communities no mater the community and for better or for worse...

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by wlg5
image showing [OC] Total positivity in comments by subreddit. Reddit makes supportive communities no mater the community and for better or for worse...

Onepopcornman on July 31st, 2020 at 13:53 UTC »

So how did you calculate this? Are these based on sentiment scores?

EVJoe on July 31st, 2020 at 14:09 UTC »

I wonder how this data is skewed by mod activity.

In theory, strongly negative comments (as determined by the mods) ought to be the ones most likely to be removed by mods for rules violations.

If so, then OPs data may be telling us something different than OP suggested -- rather than an indication of the positivity of the average comment posted, we're actually looking at an indication of the positivity of the average comment not deleted by mods.

In that light, it's very telling that MensRights seems to be a sub where mods are not strongly selecting against negativity in the comments they delete.

Do any subreddits report total #s of mod deleted comments? It could be interesting to see which subreddits exhibit both positive comments AND low mod activity -- IMHO, subreddits with positive comments and low mod activity would seem to be the most likely to be "positive communities", whereas subs with positive comments and high mod activity may just seem positive-leaning just because they are moderated in a way that suppresses negative comments.

savioor on July 31st, 2020 at 14:29 UTC »

How is this measured? What is the "negative positivity"?