Feto de oito meses morreu infetado com SARS-CoV-2

Authored by 24.sapo.pt and submitted by nunped
image for Feto de oito meses morreu infetado com SARS-CoV-2

A notícia é revelada na edição de hoje do Expresso mas reporta ao final de junho, altura em que uma grávida infetada com o vírus SARS-CoV-2, responsável pela Covid-19, perdeu o bebé de oito meses. A mãe estava assintomática e só soube que estava infetada quando deu entrada no Hospital Fernando da Fonseca (Amadora-Sintra) e fez o teste.

“Sendo o feto positivo para SARS-CoV-2 e tendo sido uma gravidez vigiada, pode presumir-se que a infeção esteve na origem da morte”, disse ao Expresso Antónia Nazaré, diretora do Departamento da Mulher do HFF, que abrange as áreas de Obstetrícia, Ginecologia e o Bloco de Partos.

Trata-se de um caso muito raro que deverá ser agora investigado para que se possa melhor compreender o que se passou.

Em Portugal, já nasceram mais de 150 bebés de mães infetadas com o novo coronavírus, mas só em duas situações houve transmissão in utero.

Estudo revelou baixa percentagem da infeção em grávidas

Um estudo realizado pelo Serviço de Obstetrícia do Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte (CHULN), em abril e maio, e divulgado esta semana revelou uma percentagem baixa de grávidas em trabalho de parto positivas à covid-19 e todas sem sintomas da doença.

jigglejigglegiggle on July 25th, 2020 at 14:53 UTC »

As someone who is pregnant, this is the news I both did not want to hear and need to hear. I have been getting more pressure from friends to do things, and keep being told I am being paranoid to stay away. This firms my resolve. I'll show this to anyone else who tries to convince me I should take a plane ride to attend a wedding. Hell no.

pomonamike on July 25th, 2020 at 14:02 UTC »

It’s not getting a lot of coverage, but there is a rash of miscarriages and stillbirths among mothers with COVID. My wife if a labor and delivery nurse in LA and has been absolutely devastated by the number.

She came home the other night crying that she delivered three dead babies in two days. She used to go a month or more between stillbirths.

EDIT since this has taken off: my wife, myself, and possibly our 2 year old daughter got COVID in late Feb/early March. It sucks. Please wear a mask.

nunped on July 25th, 2020 at 11:51 UTC »

The mother had no symptoms, and didn't know she was infected.

In June, a pregnant woman infected with SARS-CoV-2, lost her 8 month baby. She had no symptoms and only knew she was infected when she entered the Hospital (in Amadora - Portugal) and did the test.

"As the fetus was positive for SARS-Cov-2 and the pregnancy was followed by a doctor, we can presume the infection was the cause of death", said to Expresso, Antónia Nazaré, director of Women's Department on Hospital Fernando da Fonseca.

It's a very rare case that should know be investigated so we can better understand what happened.