Matchmaking In 2020

Image from and submitted by TheRealVicious
image showing Matchmaking In 2020

TrenghisKhan2019 on July 12nd, 2020 at 23:09 UTC »

After my 2 best ever games on shipment ( 72-29 and 81-37), I was put against people who would move together in packs, could create spawn traps, would never miss with a kar and soon had the entire map flooded with poison gas, white phosphorus and VTOLs. Feelsbadman

gaoshan on July 12nd, 2020 at 23:19 UTC »

0.9 K/D

1.1 K/D

1.2 K/D

3.5 K/D

0.2 K/D

barbadizzy on July 12nd, 2020 at 23:23 UTC »

Dude... my son has just recently become infatuated with CoD. He plays on my account. My first game on after he goes to sleep, I am an untouchable God. Got my first nuke EVER the other night after playing since CoD4 (got a few in mw2 but they dont count.)

And on the flip side, his first game on (after me) he goes 1-21... after playing a few games he ends up going on a 9 kill gun streak. The SBMM is strong with this one.