Known as Wrap-around Spider, this spider can flatten and wrap its body around tree limbs as camouflage

Image from and submitted by d3333p7
image showing Known as Wrap-around Spider, this spider can flatten and wrap its body around tree limbs as camouflage

LadyBugSnuggles on June 14th, 2020 at 12:31 UTC »

Thanks I hate it.

Not_a_S0cialist on June 14th, 2020 at 13:06 UTC »

Imagine you grab onto a tree branch and feel this fucker tickling your hand. Nope.

dieingstar on June 14th, 2020 at 13:40 UTC »

So sad that the fear of spiders is preventing people from appreciating this little fellas capability of becoming a gift wrapper of some sorts.

Edit :- Best day of the year. Love you stranger for my first ever award and that too cause of my genuine love for spiders. Dream come true. EDIT:- Gold and I’m ded. Internet never felt so beautiful and also spiders are awesome.