2 years u/ilikebugs2 randomly volunteered to pay for extensive dental work I needed done. Some kind redditors also pitched in and today I was able to get it done. 5 months from now they will look even better with the permanent fixtures on the implants. U/ilikebugs2 change my whole life.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by shaunaSQUARED
image showing 2 years u/ilikebugs2 randomly volunteered to pay for extensive dental work I needed done. Some kind redditors also pitched in and today I was able to get it done. 5 months from now they will look even better with the permanent fixtures on the implants. U/ilikebugs2 change my whole life.

biddleybootaribowest on June 9th, 2020 at 00:20 UTC »

This is wholesome af. Congrats look great

nalgononas on June 9th, 2020 at 01:13 UTC »

Someone gave you the ability to smile and it r/mademesmile. This is what I come to this sub for

christrage on June 9th, 2020 at 01:22 UTC »

All my teeth were fucked up to then I rearranged some life things and got a hold of some dental insurance and I’m almost done also. It’s been like 3 years ya; I only have so much insurance money a year to work with. I even got a gold bridge to remind me that my teeth are my prized possession haha.