Black men kick Irish boy while on the ground over slavery this week in Limerick : ActualPublicFreakouts

Authored by and submitted by libelecsDarkerWolf

--- A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, or losing their cool. Please remember being weird in public does not inherently merit a freakout. Drugged out or sober, anything goes. Keep the comments respectful, and remember that the individuals depicted in these videos are real people too. Respect in general is a pretty good policy. We sit as close to the line as possible. ----

RommelErwin1 on June 7th, 2020 at 22:01 UTC »

I don't know why he's having a go at the irish lad, us irish had 800 years of oppression by the British before that the vikings loved coming over and selling us into slavery 😂, they should feel worse for us, also I'd hate to be these two guy's because if one of the crime gang's in limerick get wind of this those lad's will be buried, limerick is not a city to fuck with

RustyShackledord on June 7th, 2020 at 20:48 UTC »

People who have never been enslaved are hurting someone who’s has never enslaved anyone all in the name of slavery. I’m not following their logic.

Dantronicus on June 7th, 2020 at 20:09 UTC »

Over slavery? Were the black men enslaved by the Irish boy?