Volume 53, Number 5, Apr 01, 2020

Authored by journals.sagepub.com and submitted by smurfyjenkins

With a focus on the implementation of women’s police stations (WPS), we posit that local policies that address violence against women can result in positive feedback effects on institutional legitimacy. We theorize that WPS increase police legitimacy among women by improving perceptions of personal safety and government responsiveness. To test our hypotheses, we rely on municipal and public opinion data from more than 100 municipalities in Brazil. The results of our multilevel analysis indicate that WPS produce positive feedback effects among women, resulting in higher trust in the police among women than men and closing the gender gap in perceptions of police effectiveness. Incorporating an instrumental variable in the analyses yields similar results, suggesting that these effects are not endogenous. Moreover, the results of our mediation models show that WPS’ positive effects on women’s views of police legitimacy are driven by improved perceptions of personal safety, and not perceptions of government responsiveness.

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MissJayded on June 4th, 2020 at 02:39 UTC »

I feel like it's pretty basic at that point. If your local police station feels like an extension of your community you would be more likely to trust them. How can you feel safe seeing all the shaved heads, military gear, and punisher skulls everywhere? Especially for predominately black neighbourhoods?

Slaight144 on June 4th, 2020 at 02:20 UTC »

Well, yea. The women in those areas have an entire police force dedicated to serving them.

azngangbuzta on June 4th, 2020 at 01:19 UTC »

I'm curious if a black police station would have the same effect.