This isn't a visual effect, it's an artistic installation made of seven tonnes of wire mesh in Siponto, Italy.

Image from and submitted by alesparise
image showing This isn't a visual effect, it's an artistic installation made of seven tonnes of wire mesh in Siponto, Italy.

alesparise on May 29th, 2020 at 20:16 UTC »

This is an artistic installation in Siponto, in Puglia, Italy. It is a faithful reproduction of part of the ancient paleochristian basilica which lies beneath it. Nowadays only part of the basement wall and the mosaic floor of the old basilica survive. Close to the installation there is a slightly more recent church, built in 1117 which is still in use.

This artistic piece was created by the artist Edoardo Tresoldi in 2016 and it's titled "Dove l'arte ricostruisce il tempo" (Where art rebuilds time).

c_universe on May 29th, 2020 at 23:08 UTC »

This artist had an installation at Coachella a few years ago. It was absolutely stunning, a real mind fuck

kaas5 on May 29th, 2020 at 23:37 UTC »

Assassin's creed vibes