
Image from and submitted by thesleepingtigress
image showing blursed_security

Yogimonsta on May 29th, 2020 at 05:10 UTC »

S with an umlaut? So Hanse?

The_Game_Eater on May 29th, 2020 at 05:33 UTC »

Lemme tell you all why this is partially cursed. Based on the beak shape and color I think that's a quaker parrot and those demons do not fuck around. They will literally maul other birds and in general don't give a shit about anything except dealing pain if they're pissed off. This monster has put down some students for not behaving.

UltimaGabe on May 29th, 2020 at 06:07 UTC »

I love how they couldn't be bothered to emulate the actual background of the photos, so they just chose one solid color and called it a day. That's something I would have done back when I was eight years old learning to use MS Paint.