Watch out for these guilds folks

Image from and submitted by WiseOldMate
image showing Watch out for these guilds folks

iKill_eu on May 11st, 2020 at 11:17 UTC »

The bar to clear for "good LC" is transparency.

If you can easily tell where every item is going, it becomes very obvious if someone is dealing in corruption. Especially if you can also tell how the members have prioritized their items.

Most good LCs have close communication between CLs and their class members about which items people would rather receive. If someone said they preferred Crul first but got it after someone who said they'd prefer Cloak of Firemaw first, or received a different item instead that they didn't ask for, that's an indication that the LC is being shady.

GotaJoner on May 11st, 2020 at 12:24 UTC »

I was once completely against LC guidls but now I am in a loot council guild. The leaders and council members are friends from vanilla and they almost never get gear. They prioritize who it benefits most/ if it benefits the raid as a whole/ who hasn't gotten gear in a run or few... They do a very good job a distributing loot and it's a shame more guilds aren't good about it

Evil_Patriarch on May 11st, 2020 at 12:42 UTC »

I was in a guild like this, as a druid I had to wait until week 2 of raids until I had my full tier set, as their druid friend got it all in week 1!