The Daily Populous

Monday May 11st, 2020 day edition

image for Trump to Message Second Wave as First Inundates U.S.: Report

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The median projection — 3,000 deaths a day, as soon as the end of this month — is quite horrific, a 50 percent increase above our current peak.

But for the lifetime of the model’s projections, no single day of data came anywhere close to as low as the median prediction.

That percentile, on June 1, yields a projection of more than 7,500 deaths every day.

For June 1, that projection is for 15,000 deaths every day.

If that rate held for a month, it would produce 750,000 deaths just in June. »

Bill Gates Thinks That The 1% Should Foot The Bill To Combat Climate Change

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Spread the love. 128.4K. Bill Gates believes that private investors should foot the bill for increased spending on technologies to fight global climate change .

Bill Gates is on a worldwide lobbying campaign to press humanity to innovate their solution of global climate change , making the transition to new types of energy.

Gates believes that we could stimulate ingenuity to combat global climate change by dramatically increasing spending on research and development. »

A nurse without an N95 mask raced in to treat a 'code blue' patient. She died 14 days later

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As charge nurse, Marcos was required to respond to patients who stopped breathing, but she wasn't provided an N95 mask at the beginning of her shift, her coworkers say.

The masks are scarce, and staff who do get them are often asked to reuse them over multiple days, they said.

Marcos strapped an oxygen mask on the patient, who had "almost died," she told her niece in a text message. »

Britons want quality of life indicators to take priority over economy

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“It’s clear the vast majority of the public think we should worry more about people’s health and wellbeing than economic growth,” said Fran Boait, the executive director of Positive Money.

“The government must not be tempted to pursue policies that would boost GDP at the expense of lives, wellbeing and the environment.”.

Leading economists have called for governments to look beyond GDP, and some countries have begun to publish a broader suite of wellbeing indicators as a result. »

Mojo Vision is Working on Making AR Contact Lenses a Reality

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Mojo Vision, as you might have guessed, makes smart augmented reality contact lenses.

Or, rather, it will make smart augmented reality contact lenses when it’s ready to ship a product.

“Mojo Lens is a smart contact lens with a built-in display that gives you timely information without interrupting your focus,” Sinclair explains. »