This "meme" implies that Nazism is socialism, and that Nazism isn't as bad as its alternatives.

Image from and submitted by Real_Carl_Ramirez
image showing This "meme" implies that Nazism is socialism, and that Nazism isn't as bad as its alternatives.

Chinerpeton on May 6th, 2020 at 08:58 UTC »

I mean, I don't know where tf they got the figure for Islam from, but I'm pretty sure it Christianity was put under similar "scrutiny"(ie.if we misrepresented and made as much shit up) it would get a similar figure.

LorenzoMoratinos on May 6th, 2020 at 09:03 UTC »

Implying national socialism is socialism is as stupid as saying hedgehogs are hogs

Jellyswim_ on May 6th, 2020 at 12:40 UTC »

Saying islam is worse for killing more people over a time period of 8 centuries is like saying the flu is worse than covid-19, which ironically is also something I bet these people believe!