My Dad is the strongest human I know. Back to 12hr days in ICU a week after his recovery from COVID.

Image from and submitted by thxbra
image showing My Dad is the strongest human I know. Back to 12hr days in ICU a week after his recovery from COVID.

russiantroIIbot on April 30th, 2020 at 17:45 UTC »

no offense but my dad works at microsoft and is way stronger and he can get your xbox account banned

krihard on April 30th, 2020 at 19:30 UTC »

This picture is exactly how I feel as a nurse right now. People keep thanking us and calling healthcare workers heroes but the truth is, I’m scared and mentally and physically exhausted... nothing about this feels heroic. I feel helpless as I watch my patients die despite our best attempts to keep them alive. Make sure you tell your dad that he’s the strongest human you know- I guarantee he does not feel that way right now and we all need a little extra encouragement during these weird times ❤️

Edit: quite a few are asking how they can help people on the front line right now. Besides the obvious (stay home, social distance and wash your hands like you are putting contacts in after cutting jalapeños), I would say emotional support. A lot of people are not doing well mentally right now... Let them know you support their emotional wellbeing and offer to be an ear if needed. Just knowing a safe outlet is there may be enough to make a tremendous impact on someone who is silently struggling. And be kind.

Shenaniganz08 on April 30th, 2020 at 19:45 UTC »

Fellow doctor here

First of all, your dad is an amazing human. He was exposed (likely from a lack of PPE) and went right back into the frying pan.

Now with that out of the way...

I haven't received a SINGLE penny from any stimulus package, small business loans, nada, because I make too much and because I refinanced my loans they are no longer federal loans. I can guarantee your dad is probably in the same situation. More stress, lack of protection and no additional compensation for showing up and taking care of sick patients.

A lot of doctors (except for maybe ICU and ER) are having to take paycuts. I had to sign a 12.5% pay cut this week, while administrators keep getting their bonuses.

Come on at least give doctors some kind of tax break. You don't need to pay us more, call us heroes, etc. just let us keep more of what we already earned, at least for a couple of months.

EDIT: Thank you for all the kind words and PMs. I apologize if my comment came off as deaf tone and "asking for more money", that was not the intention. My situation is not unique, we are physically, mentally and financially being taken advantage of. Apparently even ER and ICU doctors are getting paycuts