A friend of mine who’s 27 years old.

Image from external-preview.redd.it and submitted by kevvyjames
image showing A friend of mine who’s 27 years old.

Erulastiel on April 10th, 2020 at 15:15 UTC »

Sounds like my mother. I could eat a simple sandwich on whole wheat bread and she'd be all over me because nitrates. Or if I ate a piece of fruit because it's not organic.

If I don't eat anything, I'm anorexic. If I do eat, and this is any time I eat, I'm over eating and going to get diabetes and thats why I'm fat. I can't win with this woman ever.

arussel3 on April 10th, 2020 at 15:27 UTC »

This gives me flashbacks. Our family would put leftovers in the fridge. Anytime my stepdad heard the fridge open, he’d waddle to the room to figure out what you were eating. If you weren’t eating leftovers, he’d scold you for wasting food. If you ate leftovers he wanted, he’d yell about that. He’d make a huge crock of beans, and we’d have to eat it for 4-5 meals while he’d eat whatever he wanted. I still get defensive if anyone says a word about my food choices. He’d go through the bin to see if any wrappers were hidden at the bottom. I started hiding snack wrappers inside sanitary pad wrappers.

7937397 on April 10th, 2020 at 15:28 UTC »

So many people are saying their parents did this. What the heck.