Very direct ads from the City of Toronto against littering

Image from and submitted by the_ravenant
image showing Very direct ads from the City of Toronto against littering

spoopycheezy on April 8th, 2020 at 08:08 UTC »

i get so disgusted when i see people throw shit out of their car window especially while driving. fast food, cigarettes, trash, etc... its proves whoever litters like this is a fuckin caveman neanderthal with no decency or good hygiene. its fuckin filthy. if you litter like that fuck you.

and this is good design porn. fuckin aye.

justtilcovidgone on April 8th, 2020 at 08:18 UTC »

You think that's direct. You should see Irish road safety ads.


StampInk on April 8th, 2020 at 09:22 UTC »

It’s a cool ad, but it’s preaching to the choir.

There’s been a lot of studies on shaming, specifically name-calling, as a means to change behavior... and it’s been shown, repeatedly, as one of the least effective methods of change— if it doesn’t actively encourage the shamed behaviors. It doesn’t cause guilt.

The distinction between shame and guilt may seem at first like semantic hair-splitting, but it’s actually very important in studying punishment and rehabilitation.

Feelings of guilt are focused on a particular act: “I did a bad thing by littering.” By contrast, feelings of shame focus painfully on the self: “I am a bad person because I litter.” When people are guilty, they experience remorse and regret, and they want to make reparations.

But people who are shamed feel generally diminished, worthless—and defensive. Humiliated people want to slink into hiding, deny responsibility and, most importantly, blame others for what they did.

This ad targets the person, not the action.

Also: plenty of people who litter aren’t dumb, lazy, or pigs. Many are educated, work multiple jobs for little pay, and many are underweight.

Calling these people dumb lazy pigs isn’t going to stop them from littering. But it might make them crumple this page up and toss it on the curb.