Downloaded a new game and was getting stomped. After loosing a lot of gear I asked a stomper for some advice. Totally expected a toxic reply, but the guy was super helpful.

Image from and submitted by i_am_blowfish
image showing Downloaded a new game and was getting stomped. After loosing a lot of gear I asked a stomper for some advice. Totally expected a toxic reply, but the guy was super helpful.

Zambama on April 7th, 2020 at 02:25 UTC »

Thats so nice! Love to hear positivity ^

PumpkinButtFace on April 7th, 2020 at 03:06 UTC »

Had something similar happen recently. Started playing Apex because a buddy of mine plays. After a few matches on my own he gets off work, we start playing together. We got matched with some guy who was really REALLY fucking good. Over Discord my buddy was like, "I hope he doesn't get pissed because you're a noob, haha." But once we told him what was up he started giving all sorts of helpful tips. Wasn't even pissed when I got them both killed a little while later, lol. Not all people suck!

ScoobyDooGhoulSchool on April 7th, 2020 at 04:58 UTC »

I played Madden with a dude once like 3 or 4 years ago that was kinda like this. My uncle plays a lot of Madden and is super toxic about it so I decided to play it a lot and get good so I could beat his ass out of nowhere. I got stomped by some dude online who messaged me telling me I was worthless and trash and should never play online again. I said fuck it and told him he was right and that if he had any tips I would love to learn more about the game as I was just starting out. He added me to a party and proceeded to teach me basically everything about Madden and a ton about coverages and how to recognize certain formations and adjust on the fly. He played with me for like literally 8 hours, calling me trash the whole time, and then at the end he said he had to get off, I thanked him, he said “fuck you scrub” and left the party. He blocked me and I’ve never heard from him since. Weirdest fucking experience of my life.

Edit: A lot of people have asked and I shall provide! Yes, I have since beaten my uncle. In fact, I haven’t lost to him since then. He’s also an extreme better who will put money on literally anything and the sunk cost fallacy has led to many a frustrated nights with him being significantly poorer by the time the sun comes up.