How dare you?

Image from and submitted by kacswa
image showing How dare you?

ErNz77 on March 13rd, 2020 at 22:41 UTC »

Once again they forgot Gen X.

SkiphIsVeryDumb on March 14th, 2020 at 00:35 UTC »

Yeah my mom doesn’t like me using the word boomer because it’s offensive to them and they grew up working hard and my generation has gotten everything. Even though they grew up in The New Deal time and caused the housing crisi, stock market crash, poor healthcare, student debt, Reaganomics which was incredibly successful for the richer people while screwing the poor, etc...

Edit 1 my mom is not a boomer she is gen x. I’m gen z. And we have a good relationship

Fluffymufinz on March 14th, 2020 at 01:50 UTC »

My dark joke has been that the best part of the virus is that at least I'll have Social Security now.