It’s not the media’s job to report on stuff /s

Image from and submitted by CYBERSson
image showing It’s not the media’s job to report on stuff /s

noaimpara on March 8th, 2020 at 11:44 UTC »

Idk where y’all live but in my country there is always one report about plastic killing turtles, pollution spikes or natural disasters caused by climate change on each news report. People just don’t care about it for some reasons.

SpudTayder on March 8th, 2020 at 11:59 UTC »

In Australia one of our TV news broadcasts did a story on COVID-19 where they used the line "could be the end of society as we know it." Today they did a story about how the widespread panic isn't called for and people need to keep the risk in perspective. One of the presenters unironically said "maybe we've had a small roll in spreading this panic, but it's important that we focus on the facts and not spreading fear." Like the night before they didn't literally suggest that society would breakdown.

The media is a joke.

dichloroethane on March 8th, 2020 at 14:18 UTC »

Bold of you to assume people are actually reacting to the Covid 19 news in a productive manner