Bernie Sanders: I get a little bit tired of people defending a system which is dysfunctional, which is cruel.

Image from and submitted by lrlOurPresident
image showing Bernie Sanders: I get a little bit tired of people defending a system which is dysfunctional, which is cruel.

JKevill on March 5th, 2020 at 04:32 UTC »

I have no idea why people hate this guy.

He’s the only person in either party who is looking out for the little guy. He’s damn consistent about it, and sticks to arguments of policy with a laser-focus.

Do people >like< getting fucked? Do they see the middle class shrinking over the last few decades and go “yeah, this is fine”?

Edit- holy cow, not prepared for the response on this random post I made. Not gonna go reply to a bajillion comments, but glad to spark discussion. Good on those of you who are talking policy (left or right) and keep it civil- for those who live in ad-hominem land, gtfo, the adults are talking.

Archon-immortal on March 5th, 2020 at 05:57 UTC »

I'm not an American but I wish I could donate and vote for this guy

KintsugiExp on March 5th, 2020 at 11:43 UTC »

And yet, America will choose Biden. And Trump will win his second term.

Of all the fucking universes in the multiverse, we had to land on this one.