We need a real one for contrast

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image showing We need a real one for contrast

pedre_falopa on February 25th, 2020 at 16:49 UTC »

It feels like the two-party system in the US is partly to blame for this. Instead of being able to contrast various different ideas from the whole political spectrum, you just get this "us vs them" situation where both sides have distanced themselves and see the other as extremists just because it's the only thing on the other side of the street.

Comparing Bernie to the actually communist party in my country he's not even close, he just feels sort of center-left.

Sacktchy on February 25th, 2020 at 19:35 UTC »

I hate the 2 party system. I understand it makes it easy to just say "oh I'm a Republican" or "oh I'm a Democrat" but it's confusing because some Republicans believe illegal immigrants should be executed while others just want more border control. Or with Democrats who want everything to be free, while others just want some free healthcare. I think we should just get rid of parties and just let Presidential candidates say what they want to change and if you agree vote for them. With parties people feel pressured to vote for their own party (like whips in the house of representatives).

thebigman85 on February 25th, 2020 at 20:02 UTC »

Same in the uk with Corbyn. Ended up with working class people voting for silver spoon toffs who would t piss on them if they were on fire