The Daily Populous

Friday February 21st, 2020 evening edition

image for Rivaldo: "No entiendo ni comparto el fichaje de Braithwaite"

El 'clausulazo' que ha llevado a Braithwaite hasta Barcelona ha recordado su aterrizaje en el Camp Nou procedente del Deportivo.

El Barça, por entonces, pagó los 4.000 'kilos' que costaba su libertad días antes de que comenzara la Liga.

Sin embargo, 'Rivo', embajador de 'Betfair', se mostró muy crítico con el fichaje del ex del Leganés.

"No veo razón alguna en hacer semejante esfuerzo para incorporar un delantero que, con todo el respecto, dudo que sea el jugador que el FC Barcelona necesita ahora.

Yo pensaba en un jugador más joven y con más curva de progresión", agregó el Balón de Oro en 1999.

Si realmente el Barcelona ha pagado para difamar a jugadores, ex jugadores y expresidentes en las redes sociales, sería algo tristísimo.

Sabe de lo que habla: "He jugado en Corinthians y sé que la presión en Sao Paulo es grande. »

Trump not a ‘Parasite’ fan, praises ‘Gone with the Wind’

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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is apparently not a fan of Oscar winner “Parasite,” his biggest complaint being that the movie was made in South Korea.

Trump started talking about the Academy Awards during a campaign rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Thursday.

On top of that, they give them best movie of the year. »

Twitter is considering warning users when politicians post misleading tweets

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Twitter is experimenting with putting bright orange and red labels underneath false statements and misinformation posted by politicians and public figures.

According to a new report, the company included tweets from Sen. Bernie Sanders and Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in its design mockups.

It’s unclear how Twitter would determine which posts to flag as misleading or exactly how the points-based system for community moderators would work. »

Why scientists believe dogs are smarter than we give them credit for

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So far, research has suggested that dogs can read our cues, show emotional connection to their owners, and even display jealousy.

"Most labs have historically been invested in rodent and monkey models," says Gregory Berns, an Emory neuroscientist who conducts MRI research with dogs.

"But dogs are unique animals, and I think in many ways they're one of the best animals for understanding social behaviors.". »

A Hawaiian Politician Is Introducing a Bill That Would Encourage Creation of Locally Owned Broadband Networks

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Ing has not yet introduced the legislation but wrote in a press release that “states like Hawaii must act now to save the equal-and-open internet.”.

“One option is to reject corporate internet service providers altogether, and control the internet ourselves,” he wrote.

“Locally owned internet is the only way to protect net neutrality for decades to come. »