Surely... I’m not stupid? Am I?

Image from and submitted by JadedAyr
image showing Surely... I’m not stupid? Am I?

AgentOfEris on February 16th, 2020 at 16:29 UTC »

“This card game is actively mocking my unfounded beliefs! Boycott it!”

Gloeee on February 16th, 2020 at 16:55 UTC »

They should be grateful for the opportunity to educate their friends and family during a friendly game. That card comes up and BAM! Recite the plague patrol talking points. If anyone rejects those, just keep repeating "vaccine injuries, tho" until everyone starts crying, thanking them for their knowledge and doing their part to save children's lives. Then everyone will stand up and clap as they tear up the pHARMa shill card.

prettyprettyhagfish on February 16th, 2020 at 17:49 UTC »

"in-compassionate" lol dingus