Mark Ruffalo and Taika Waititi at 2020 Academy Awards

Image from and submitted by superancica
image showing Mark Ruffalo and Taika Waititi at 2020 Academy Awards

Platypuschowder666 on February 11st, 2020 at 23:12 UTC »

They have the same hair.....

sun_mist on February 11st, 2020 at 23:26 UTC »

They are about to fuse into a singular being Taika Ruffalo

Ricky_-_Spanish on February 12nd, 2020 at 00:25 UTC »

For anyone interested this is called a Hongi, it is a traditional Māori greeting where two people press their noses and sometimes their forehead together.

Edit: To elaborate on this, a big part of this is sharing the same breath. (Credit u/DarthHobgoblin)