Bernie is the best!!!!

Image from and submitted by undeadmango51
image showing Bernie is the best!!!!

Cantholdmymud on February 11st, 2020 at 01:49 UTC »

For the first time in history Millennials outnumber Boomers as a voter base. This is 100% possible.

killsforsporks on February 11st, 2020 at 01:54 UTC »

Let's effing do this!

everyonehereishappy on February 11st, 2020 at 01:55 UTC »

Do not despair. The fight will be hard. The media will try its hardest to lie and side with their owners. The entire federal government will lay down its strength in corruption and use outside actors to cheat, trick, lie, threaten and even invoke violence. Do not despair. Freedom is in the air. All you have to do is breathe it in.