Why do they do that?

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by -Drax
image showing Why do they do that?

juggernaughtish on February 7th, 2020 at 14:34 UTC »

I couldn’t imagine being the parent to that kid and having an officer come to my job to inform me that my child has died at school. I have an 11 year old with asthma and he takes his inhaler with him to school.

therealJL on February 7th, 2020 at 14:38 UTC »

I've had repeat issues with my kids school "losing" emergency medication. They lost two epipens in two years, the second after I went postal at the principal. School administrators tend to be lazy and disorganised in my part of the world.

TheBadHalfOfAFandom on February 7th, 2020 at 16:04 UTC »

I did a little reading on the article and it turns out before he died the teachers repeatedly confiscated all of his inhalers, spares and all and wouldn't even give it back to him at the end of the day, instead opting to call the parents to pick them up. It was in Ontario, so public schools had different laws in comparison to America.

The parents of the kid "began a petition asking the Ontario government to force school boards to adopt standardized asthma management plans, and eventually, a new bill, known as Ryan’s Law, came into effect. It means schools have to let children have inhalers in their pockets or backpacks with a doctor’s note".