I love when they get all hypocritical pretending they care about respect.

Image from external-preview.redd.it and submitted by kevonicus
image showing I love when they get all hypocritical pretending they care about respect.

injun_head on February 5th, 2020 at 13:28 UTC »

Remember how Republican supported Wilson yelling "You Lie" at President Obama during his State of the Union. Icons of respect.

5th_Law_of_Robotics on February 5th, 2020 at 13:30 UTC »

Republicans will be offended by anyone that isn't them existing.

So fuck them. Attempts to win them over with civility are pointless. They can't even spell the word.

JustDontSayIt on February 5th, 2020 at 13:52 UTC »

It's been hilarious watching the fake outrage.