Exodus 20:20

Image from external-preview.redd.it and submitted by mattjh
image showing Exodus 20:20

JennyBeckman on January 27th, 2020 at 22:23 UTC »

It's a major holiday for travel and a large city. Wtf do you expect?

ayothegoat77 on January 27th, 2020 at 22:24 UTC »


TooSmalley on January 27th, 2020 at 22:52 UTC »

If I’m not mistaken it’s Chinese New Year and like half the country travels during that time. The virus hit at one of the worse possible times to control an outbreak.

Factories regularly shutdown for a whole month, it’s a big deal in China.

You can compare it to is an outbreak around thanksgiving in the US when everyone going everywhere but with tons more people over multiple weeks.