It’s just too little

Image from and submitted by SvenGz
image showing It’s just too little

CalifornianNegro on January 18th, 2020 at 22:00 UTC »

Soon as you budget and stop eating out they publish articles about how your generation is killing restaurants

KiltedLady on January 19th, 2020 at 00:23 UTC »

If I see one more "top ten tips to save money" list that has "stop buying a $6 coffee every day" and "sell extra things lying around the house to make a quick couple hundred dollars" I'm going to lose it.

Og_tighead on January 19th, 2020 at 00:33 UTC »

My mother in law tried to tell my wife who has a chronic illness and takes medication that costs 1,000$ after the insurance. That we need to be more finically responsible. Like wtf do you want me to do I work 3 jobs trying to feed my family. You think us eating 7$ worth of McDonalds is gonna fix that I still don’t make enough. Shit pisses me off.