Former president Bill Clinton with human trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell at the door of Jeffrey Epstein's private jet.

Image from and submitted by bridgeheadprod
image showing Former president Bill Clinton with human trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell at the door of Jeffrey Epstein's private jet.

rochameist on January 9th, 2020 at 02:09 UTC »

The Lolita Express

WaterMySucculents on January 9th, 2020 at 03:32 UTC »

Why in the hell isn’t Ghislaine Maxwell in custody right now. If she is overseas there should be charges filed to extradite her. It would be a great justice for anyone who had any involvement in Epstein’s trafficking to go down, including Clinton, including Trump, including Prince Andrew, including literally any person of power who should not have an ounce of power after justice is served.

Edit: Oh boy. I just made this quick comment in passing when I saw this pop up & it somehow blew up. I want to address some things because this thread is chock full of dipshits, despite occasional people making good points.

1- I have no interest in mob justice. It could be fun to meme and gobble conspiracies about all the people connected to Epstein, but the first reason I think she should be extradited and tried is so she has the chance to actually spill the beans on whoever may actually have done fucked up things with minors & share some evidence it’s rumored she has. And investigators searching high and low through all of her and a Epstein’s things & digital footprints for more evidence. I want evidence, & tons more of it, not just going after people because they spent time with the dude.

2- A continuation of that: It’s perfectly likely a lot of these famous people like Clinton & Trump never did anything fucked up with Epstein. Epstein was a billionaire who donated a fuck ton of money politically & made sure socially he was always out and about with anyone else of noterietay he could get near. And he liked to party. It’s possible he saw & pursued his connections with the rich and powerful (like Clinton & Trump) as precisely the first line of defense if he ever got in trouble, friends in high places and all that. And only dolled out the pedo things with fellow pedos. I would imagine among the rich and powerful there’s a way to signal to others in the same world that you are down for creepy shit & others be completely oblivious to whatever signals those are. Prince Andrew seems less likely to be innocent with an actual underage accuser with evidence.

3- I’m not some naive person. I’m well aware that Maxwell is well connected & that the rich and powerful rarely are subjected to justice in any real sense. My comment was a hopeful rhetorical one not an actual question.

4- I’m mind blown that so many right wing people seem completely convinced that Clinton was involved with Epstein’s underage fucked up actions and Trump is completely innocent. It’s just as likely to be the opposite and equally as likely as they both were. Facts against Trump are pretty damming. There’s audio of Trump bragging on a public show about how Epstein “likes woman almost as much as he does” and how he knows Epstein likes them young. At a minimum it seems like Trump May have known what was up for decades & didn’t give a shit & in fact thought it was funny & worth bragging about. At a maximum he was involved and Trump being Trump couldn’t keep his mouth shut, especially because he seems like someone who feels like him and his ilk are immune to any serious consequences to their actions. Also, Epstein donated tons of money politically to politicians of all parties and stripes. It seems like Clinton has a more believable alibi than Trump does as a politician, the husband of another politician, and someone who enjoyed political fundraising power for the part. Trump merely liked socializing with him without any financial interest. This is all before considering that Trump & the justice department that is under his control are the ones who let Epstein die on their watch, don’t seem to be giving much of a shit about investigating the death, or pursuing Maxwell. This is despite there being great political benefit for Trump to publicly drag Clinton’s name through the mud (one of his fav punching bags) and capture the press cycle on his terms by launching a huge public investigation into Maxwell & Clinton & all others involved. If there was evidence that Clinton was involved and he wasn’t it could actually help win Trump re-election. But no, he is pretty silent & his justice department gives 0 fucks. Now it could be for the same reason Clinton so maybe doesn’t like talking about it: they were connected to Epstein but not to his fucked up actions and their publicists, minions, lawyers all told them it’s better to just not comment. Or they were involved, in which case I’m hoping for justice. And just to address it before more people screech about some beef a trump and Epstein had years ago, they were also friends for many years and seem to have already made up after that beef. It is proof of nothing one way or the other.

5- I learned about Maxwell’s father’s mossad confections from these comments for the first time. I haven’t looked into this myself so can’t verify, but that’s super fucked up and interesting.

idunnomanwtvisgood on January 9th, 2020 at 03:59 UTC »

So when we going after Ghislaine Maxwell?