Today Finland turns 102 years old. So here’s the mandatory TORILLA TAVATAAN picture y’all been waiting for.

Image from and submitted by ShortMenMatter
image showing Today Finland turns 102 years old. So here’s the mandatory TORILLA TAVATAAN picture y’all been waiting for.

Antiloompa on December 6th, 2019 at 08:35 UTC »


I believe that is how you congratulate in Suomi right?

Groenboys on December 6th, 2019 at 08:40 UTC »

First time seeing this pic and it is glorious

farrydarry on December 6th, 2019 at 09:04 UTC »

I will never forget when me and my friend flew to Tallinn and got a ferry to Helsinki. On the ferry these random Finnish dudes, like 3 of them, rock/metal looking guys in their 30s/40s, started talking to us. They obviously were shy and felt awkward talking to us, yet they continuted. Anyways, they started ordering drinks. A lot of them. Glasses of beer, shots of whiskey, shots of absinte, bottles of cider, etc. The drinks were flowing and by god were we shit faced. Those guys weren't shy anymore. I just remember laughing lots with them and taking photos with them. I remember the taste of whiskey dripping down from my chin after I had to spit some out because I couldn't keep it down. I remember feeling sick from all this booze and swaying on the boat. I don't remember how we said bye or parted ways, but we did.

Me and my friend stumbled off the boat, we were trying to hold about 30 cans of beer each and we were so drunk our cans of beer just started falling and hitting the ground and exploding. We were too shitfaced to really notice or care. We decided to stop somewhere and "rest" whatever that meant in our totally shitfaced mindset. For some reason, I can't remember why, I decided to go find a phone to use while my friend waited. On my drunken adventure to find a phone, I lost my friend, and since neither of us had phones of our own, we had no idea where each other was. In my highly inebriated and emotional state I started crying because I thought I would never see my friend again and that his parents were going to hate me for abandoning him to the streets. I wandered around Helsinki for hours, tears rolling down my face, convinced I had let my friend die or get kidnapped or something. People tried talking to me but my speech was too slurred for them to make sense and the stench of alcohol on my breath didn't help.

Anyways after a while I decided to pass out on a sidewalk (it was about midnight at this point, we got off the ferry at sunset-ish) near a playground. Some random guy woke me up and was like "are you ok man?". At this point I had sobered more since a few hours had passed and I slept. I explained to him what happened, that I lost my friend, blah blah. He took me back to his house, made me some coffee and asked me in as much detail where I last saw my friend. I explained to him and he drove me there. Lo and behold, my friend was STILL sitting there, also passed out. I thanked the kind Finnish stranger and re-joined with my friend. We then had a blast with our remaining week in Finland.

That was my introduction to Finland anyways. I loved Finland. I have drank with many nationalities across the world and us Irish have a reputation of being heavy drinkers but by God can the Finns drink. They trump the Irish, easily, IMO. Love you Finland <3