Top left - Dad and I at the Masters two years ago. Two weeks ago he stopped all treatments, and told us he wanted to go to the beach. We live in NY. It wasn’t easy, but today, we made it to Clearwater, FL. He’s my best friend and what he wants in his last weeks, we will give him.

Image from and submitted by Rvjones55
image showing Top left - Dad and I at the Masters two years ago. Two weeks ago he stopped all treatments, and told us he wanted to go to the beach. We live in NY. It wasn’t easy, but today, we made it to Clearwater, FL. He’s my best friend and what he wants in his last weeks, we will give him.

GoKarmaMe on November 19th, 2019 at 23:29 UTC »

Always smiling.

PharmWench on November 19th, 2019 at 23:32 UTC »

I hope his passing is peaceful and brings a sense of comfort and closure to you all.

deedee25252 on November 20th, 2019 at 00:07 UTC »

This kills me a bit. I'm so sorry for your eventual loss. I hope his passing is peaceful. I hope memories you have bring you joy.