'This is What a Dictatorship Looks Like': Bolivian Security Forces Open Fire on Indigenous Protesters in City of Cochabamba

Authored by commondreams.org and submitted by SetMau92
image for 'This is What a Dictatorship Looks Like': Bolivian Security Forces Open Fire on Indigenous Protesters in City of Cochabamba

Bolivian security forces opened fire on Indigenous protesters Friday in the city of Cochabamba in response to demonstrations against the right-wing regime that forced democratically-elected President Evo Morales to resign on Sunday.

"This is what a dictatorship looks like," said attorney and activist Eva Golinger in a tweet sharing images of police forces opening fire on protesters.

Massive repression of anti-coup protestors in Cochabamba, #Bolivia. This is what a dictatorship looks like. https://t.co/USGgc6e6re — Eva Golinger (@evagolinger) November 15, 2019

As Common Dreams reported, a mass demonstration movement against the unelected government of interim acting President Jeanine Añez spread across the country Friday. Protesters are demanding Añez step down and that Morales be restored to power.

The protesters in Cochabamba were majority Indigenous, according to reports. Many of the demonstrators in the city were coca growers.

#Bolivie On signale que la police a utilisé des gaz lacrymogène contre les producteurs agricoles protestant à #Sacaba (#Cochabamba)

a annoncé que des groupes armés subversifs avaient été identifiés#Bolivia #EvoMorales pic.twitter.com/XdlYmdJNZ5 — Rebecca Rambar (@RebeccaRambar) November 15, 2019

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"Footage emerging from Cochabamba, Bolivia shows the aftermath of a massacre of indigenous protesters carried out by coup soldiers and police," tweeted filmmaker Dan Cohen. "This will be ignored by western media."

Images and video from the protest and attack show the violence in explicit detail.

cheeseburger365 on November 16th, 2019 at 03:56 UTC »

Can we get a list of every country with massive protests right now?

GotDatWMD on November 16th, 2019 at 00:25 UTC »

American media was championing the coup as a triumph of democracy. Now the coup forces are massacring the people of Bolivia.

Is the American media dumb or willing conspirators with the CIA?

zellfire on November 15th, 2019 at 23:40 UTC »

https://twitter.com/dancohen3000/status/1195463866261671944 (Somewhat graphic footage) This was a massacre. The new racist regime is nothing short of fascist, and the US media is complicit in refusing to even refer to the coup as what it is.