Not remotely libertarian

Image from and submitted by dotw0rk
image showing Not remotely libertarian

C_H-I-L-L on October 20th, 2019 at 12:42 UTC »

What were the two things marked out?

bingozuby on October 20th, 2019 at 14:18 UTC »

No nuclear energy? Is she fucking retarded?

Somerandom1922 on October 20th, 2019 at 17:31 UTC »

It's really weird, she has a combination of dumb fuck policies and ones that I personally agree with (that aren't libertarian).

The one that annoys me the most though is "no nuclear".

Avoiding nuclear energy due to fear of meltdowns and waste is the most asinine position to have.

Nuclear power plants have literally saved millions of lives because of the coal they doesnt get burnt because of them.

Regardless of whether you think that moving to renewables is the way forward or that making that push is too damaging to the economy/unreliable, nuclear is the answer, it's proven, it provides consistent power year round and it's safest and greenest mass power generation method on the planet.