Buyer Beware, Potential QA issues at Paradox may affect the quality of Ck3.

Authored by and submitted by torpedofahrt

~Proud and Acknowledged member of the Paradox Fanboi Squad~

*-Fanatical Supporter of the Anti-Entitled Gamer Society-* ​

"Guys, what if I told you that video games can be enjoyable without a Serbian attention to map detail?" - Comrade Chaos

"I'd like to apologise to anyone I have not yet offended. Please be patient. I will get to you shortly." - Kadanz

"In soviet union you don't suffer supply problems; you are the supply problem"


G_Levin on October 20th, 2019 at 16:35 UTC »

Im the author of this thread on the paradox forums Edit: It appears the thread has been taken down, i did see some one, Skumbi i think his name was, posted a screenshot here that proves it did at one stage exist.Here we go i found it :, thanks @Skumbi!!!

Ive since been banned for this:

Closing post by mod in my thread

Discussion with the mod...

Rick_Locker on October 20th, 2019 at 13:52 UTC »

Paradox is being extremely childish shutting these threads down. Have they learnt nothing from all the other QA controversies over the past few years?

keebleeweeblee on October 20th, 2019 at 13:44 UTC »

The recent departure of DDRJake and comments about "making more money from Twitch" make more sense now.