The Daily Populous

Tuesday October 8th, 2019 night edition

image for 'South Park' Scrubbed From Chinese Internet After Critical Episode

A cursory perusal through China's highly regulated internet landscape shows the show conspicuously absent everywhere it recently had a presence.

On streaming service Youku, owned by internet giant Alibaba, all links to clips, episodes and even full seasons of the show are now dead.

And on Baidu's Tieba, China's largest online discussion platform, the threads and subthreads related to South Park are nonfunctional.

"Like the NBA, we welcome the Chinese censors into our homes and into our hearts," the statement reads.

South Park's "Band in China" episode featured a pair of storylines critical of China.

Chinese broadcasters announced they would stop airing Rockets games, and local sponsors pulled their funds from the team.

Evidently fearing the financial implications of the Chinese backlash, the Rockets and the NBA have since disavowed Morey's comments. »

The 200 Best Songs of the 2010s

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In the 2010s, technology made creating, distributing, and listening to music easier than at any previous point in history.

A million modes of distribution meant you could hear those songs milliseconds after they were born.

Here are our top 200 songs of the decade. »

Cristiano pagará la operación de un niño con displasia cortical

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Erik Ortiz Cruz es un niño de 10 meses afectado de displasia cortical, un trastorno cerebral que le llega a provocar 30 ataques epilépticos por día.

La única solución es una cirugía con la que extraer la porción anómala del cerebro.

Pero, además, el delantero se ha prestado a correr con el coste total de la intervención a la que será sometido Erik. »

Hong Kong Protests Put Outspoken N.B.A. on Edge in China

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Two of the league’s most successful coaches, Steve Kerr and Gregg Popovich, have repeatedly slammed American lawmakers for inaction on gun legislation.

“Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong,” Daryl Morey, the Houston Rockets general manager, said in a post to Twitter that included an image of protests.

The league said that it was “regrettable” that many Chinese fans were offended by the comment. »

Rod Breslau auf Twitter: "in a post-match Hearthstone Grandmasters winning interview, Hong Kong HS player @blitzchungHS said "Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our age!" in response, Blizzard Taiwan h

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