(44M) About to have quintuple heart bypass surgery due to hereditary issues in less than an hour. Scared as hell. Wish me luck.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by JCShroyer
image showing (44M) About to have quintuple heart bypass surgery due to hereditary issues in less than an hour. Scared as hell. Wish me luck.

stpetesouza on September 18th, 2019 at 10:01 UTC »

Had my 5x almost 5 years ago, I'm in better shape now than in decades. I'm older than you (60M), if I came out ok you will too. The next week will suck, but it's all good after that. When you wake up you've made it. Good luck and God bless.

zenith_industries on September 18th, 2019 at 10:59 UTC »

Looks like I've missed the before-surgery window so you won't see this until you come out the other side but I've also had open heart surgery.

A few things:

1) They'll tell you to brace yourself with a pillow before coughing or sneezing. You will absolutely want to do this - no exceptions. Even weeks later you'll want to have a pillow nearby. I got caught out with an unexpected sneeze about 3 or 4 weeks after surgery... oh my goodness, it hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before.

2) I'm guessing you'll be given some breathing exercises to do. They'll hurt, even with the painkillers. Do them. Do them as often as you can bear and don't slack off. The alternative (fluids in your chest cavity) suck way more than those exercises.

3) They'll tell you not to lift anything at all for the first 6 weeks (roughly). Listen to the advice - I felt like a useless invalid but I behaved myself and I'm glad I did.

3) I experienced some terribly dark dreams/nightmares the first few nights afterwards. Apparently this is not uncommon so don't freak out completely if you get them.

4) There were days early in when I wondered if I was ever going to feel like my old self again. Turns out I never did, but for the best reason - since having my valve repaired, I've never felt better! (Edited for clarity)

5) Thanks to u/oldguy_on_the_wire for reminding me of this one - get up! As soon as they let you walk, do it! Even if it is just a few steps to a nearby chair. Take it easy and slow but get those legs moving. It's a bit of a balancing act between pushing yourself while trying to avoid overdoing it.

I'm not an expert but if you ever want to talk to someone about what you're experiencing after the surgery feel free to DM me.

Edit: oh, one other thing - if you get wicked shoulder pain it's probably your diaphragm whining like a little bitch and complaining the only way it knows how: referred pain. Definitely tell a nurse though as it could be something more serious (and they will probably act like it is serious) but try not to stress out.

Edit x 2: I'd forgotten about the muscle aches! OP, you're in for a few weeks of aching chest/back/shoulder/neck muscles. Get yourself some microwavable heat packs, those things are heavenly and worth their weight in gold.

Axlndo on September 18th, 2019 at 12:24 UTC »

This dude has balls not deleting his comment history after posting this. Respect.