Top minds think no liberal has ever passed high school, majored in a STEM field, and still gotten fucked.

Image from and submitted by ImGaiza
image showing Top minds think no liberal has ever passed high school, majored in a STEM field, and still gotten fucked.

sarinonline on September 16th, 2019 at 12:23 UTC »

This is just a whole lot of projection of "they may think they did better than me, but they really did everything wrong" about their own life choices.

Pretty sure the number of people that did gender studies and dance therapy would be extremely low.

HapticSloughton on September 16th, 2019 at 12:47 UTC »

"Never mind we elected Trump and he put Betsy 'Bride of Amway' DeVoss in charge of the Dept. of Education who is doing even more than other right-wingnuts have to make student debt as onerous as possible while raking in profits and trying to destroy public schools."

It's almost as if they think their audience is too stupid to notice how the cost of education has outpaced that of inflation.

Wait, that's probably something they consider a feature of their audience...

Oddy-7 on September 16th, 2019 at 13:41 UTC »

Fun fact: Even Especially among STEM graduates, liberals outnumber conservatives.

edit: Why would I say "even"? The appropriate phrase would be "especially".