The real issues:

Image from and submitted by HopsRs
image showing The real issues:

razayal on September 13rd, 2019 at 00:02 UTC »

I couldn’t believe how many people in my company (a tech firm), replies-all to a company email group with 1800 people with ‘please remove me from the group’

q_bric on September 13rd, 2019 at 00:09 UTC »

Usually company wide emails are just announcements. I don’t understand why people feel the need to reply to those. It is like giving feedback to a hurricane warning.

kerrybaumann on September 13rd, 2019 at 00:30 UTC »

I work at a pretty big company and someone accidentally included the entire company on a small projects email chain. 2 or 3 "reply all's" later the first person had enough. He hits reply all and says "I would like to be removed from this email chain." That's when all hell broke loose.

Within an hour 40-50 more reply all'd the same thing. Then the reply all with the "STOP HITTING REPLY ALL"'s started. It was an endless back and forth. "Please remove me" followed by "stop replying all." All in all over 200 emails hit us all in about 2 days. Some more trickled through for the next week. Some were absolutely furious. I sat back and loved every minute of it. I'm positive that first guy who hit reply all knew exactly what he was doing. Slick fuck.