Shout out to the post office

Image from and submitted by Drew_Sife
image showing Shout out to the post office

godickygodickygo on August 28th, 2019 at 23:24 UTC »

wait til he finds out about emails!

RebuffedChaff on August 28th, 2019 at 23:32 UTC »

I imagine people who work in the postal service would have some crazy stories

RandenVanguard on August 29th, 2019 at 00:18 UTC »

Reminds me of "going postal" by terry pratchet. It's a fantasy book about a convicted criminal who has to rebuild the post office and they have this motif about what a strange and wondrous thing post offices really are and what letters and communication can mean to people.

Also they have a whole thing about how the word "angel" is a word for "messenger" and the book's insistance on bringing that up in relation to mailmen is as ridiculous as it is earnestly beautiful.