Before you can hunt the squirrel, one must first become the squirrel.

Image from and submitted by noahsygg
image showing Before you can hunt the squirrel, one must first become the squirrel.

j3h0313h-z on August 6th, 2019 at 16:06 UTC »

Oh ok so pokemon are real now, that's cool

YeomanScrap on August 6th, 2019 at 16:51 UTC »

Squirreldogcat. Half squirrel, half dog, half cat.

Spartan2470 on August 6th, 2019 at 17:53 UTC »

Here are a few more pictures of this cat/squirrel hybrid. Here appears to be the source.

Edit: As /u/sleepingzelda has attempted to point out, it looks like juliaolimpian on Instagram is the owner of the cat. Although I can't find OP's image on their account, they have posted other pictures and have relayed that his name is Bingo, he's neutered, and a Maine Coon.