At the Amsterdam gay pride, someone from the "Children Liberation Front", a pro-paedophilia group, was handing these out until bystanders started to complain and police confiscated the cards because he refused to leave.

Image from and submitted by YellowOnline
image showing At the Amsterdam gay pride, someone from the "Children Liberation Front", a pro-paedophilia group, was handing these out until bystanders started to complain and police confiscated the cards because he refused to leave.

username3462 on July 28th, 2019 at 07:43 UTC »

This is so far above trashy, this is just abhorrent and disgusting

SpiralEater on July 28th, 2019 at 14:05 UTC »

I'm late, but if you read the card it includes nepiophile. That's someone that's specifically sexually attracted to babies.

Fuck that, and fuck that trash person for promoting it.

throwawizzlemahnizzl on July 28th, 2019 at 14:52 UTC »

It even says on the little card: "a safe space for children youth and the people who love them, nepiophiles, pedophiles etc".

I looked up nepiophile and it means people who are sexually attracted to babies and toddlers. Gross. Then you notice the card's design is suspiciously similar to the ones Hallmark makes for congratulating new mothers.

Fucking evil and creepy.