Patch 9.13 notes

Authored by and submitted by wickedplayer494
image for Patch 9.13 notes

W minimum damage added; also applies to turrets. Tentacles disappear faster when Illaoi leaves. E Spirit and Vessel duration decreased; time between Tentacle attacks decreased. R Tentacle cap increased.

We're hitting two octopi with one tentacle and buffing Illaoi while also modernizing the way her abilities work. She should feel a lot better to play and stronger in general when you add up all the smaller QoL changes and buffs.

Passive - Prophet of an Elder God

new TENTACLE AP RATIO 0.4 ability power

removed TMI Tentacles will no longer go into an idle state when Illaoi is not around to command them

new TICK TOCK Illaoi can now ping Prophet of an Elder God's cooldown to her team

BYE Tentacles despawn after Illaoi has left the area for 60 seconds ⇒ 30 seconds

FOG OF WAR Enemies gain vision of Tentacles through Fog of War within 1400 range ⇒ 1000 range

BUGFIX Enemy champions no longer globally get vision of attacking Tentacles

BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Tentacle slams that were mid-flight when Illaoi died dealt no damage

new KICK IT INTO OVERDRIVE Minimum damage is dealt as bonus damage to turrets

removed REDUCED SPIRIT DURATION Spirit duration is no longer reduced each time Illaoi is damaged by the target

BASE SPIRIT DURATION 10 seconds ⇒ 7 seconds

BASE VESSEL DURATION 12 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds

TIME BETWEEN TENTACLE ATTACKS Once every 10 seconds at all levels ⇒ Once every 5/4/3 seconds (levels 1/7/13)

Number1TSMHater on June 25th, 2019 at 18:35 UTC »

How many times are they going to change the Sylas base damage on W?

aegroti on June 25th, 2019 at 18:35 UTC »

Everyone so hyped about TFT I forgot Qiyana was even a thing.

andey_ on June 25th, 2019 at 18:25 UTC »

main take aways from this is illaoi is gonna be real strong and rip pyke