Two puzzles with the same cut pattern mixed together.

Image from and submitted by newtonic
image showing Two puzzles with the same cut pattern mixed together.

qwerty098673678 on June 22nd, 2019 at 17:22 UTC »

Looks kinda like an intentional art piece with some hidden meaning behind it

SatanicOnion on June 22nd, 2019 at 18:02 UTC »


agent_wolfe on June 22nd, 2019 at 20:00 UTC »

Funny story: I used to work with this man who had dementia, & he’d build puzzles all the time. He liked them as decorations so he’d glue it all together.

Sometimes, if the puzzle was really hard he’d try to cram pieces in & break them, or there’d be little gaps because they wouldn’t quite fit. Also he’d lose pieces, so there’d be holes in the puzzle.

So his solution was to “fill” in the pieces with clay, & paint them to match the puzzle. Sometimes if it didn’t look right (ie: That dark puzzle-piece in the light blue sky) he would paint entire sections of the puzzle to match the colour.

He was quite the genius, really. He was more with it than me most days, in spite of the dementia.