So excited to learn Javascript!

Image from and submitted by ShamWowIsASham
image showing So excited to learn Javascript!

dubiousSwain on June 15th, 2019 at 08:18 UTC »

I’ve been programming for 10+ years. I tried to learn JavaScript this summer. This was pretty much my reaction.

hdlo on June 15th, 2019 at 09:07 UTC »

"Ok I'm proud of how things work. Time to dedicate a little while to eye candy so people can be happy using it, shouldn't take too long"



1thief on June 15th, 2019 at 09:20 UTC »

This is why we never venture to the surface. For above the middle tier only madness you will find. Much better to stay here in darkness, comforted by the warmth of server threads and database I/O. Sometimes when you hold very still you can hear patterns in the data. They whisper to me, like a long forgotten melody. Here a man can be a king, a king of shadows.

Did YoU KNoW tHat somE pEopLE cArE aBout wHAT kInd oF BroWSer You run?