The Daily Populous

Saturday May 25th, 2019 night edition

image for When Did the Government Start Requiring IDs to Fly.. and Why Did They Do It?

Airlines long wanted to eliminate the secondary market in airline tickets, in order to enforce their revenue management strategies.

As a result airlines have long wanted requirements for passengers to have to show ID in order to use airline tickets, in order to make airline tickets non-transferable.

ID requirements limit the ability to do that, although they don’t make it impossible.

But when did the ID rule become a government requirement?.

In his book, Against All Enemies, he wrote that President Clinton planned to see the families of victims of the airline disaster.

The ID requirement is one of the things his staff came up with:.

And the ID requirement, like the No Fly List, wasn’t actually enshrined in law but rather by executive fiat. »

Change in Second-Trimester Abortion After Implementation of a Restrictive State Law.

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To assess whether indicators of limited access to services explained changes in rates of second-trimester abortion after implementation of a restrictive abortion law in Texas.

We used cross-sectional vital statistics data on abortions performed in Texas before (November 1, 2011-October 31, 2012) and after (November 1, 2013-October 31, 2014) implementation of Texas' abortion law.

Increases in second-trimester abortion after the law's implementation were due to women having more limited access to abortion services. »

Setting a maximum wage for CEOs would be good for everyone

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Through the relentless pursuit of self-interest, everyone benefits, as if an invisible hand were guiding each of us toward the common good.

Many people find this upsetting but, even so, they tend to treat it as something capitalism requires us to tolerate.

Setting a maximum wage would therefore not interfere with market freedom because, in this instance, the market is not working. »