this is beyond me

Image from and submitted by LorenzoHD
image showing this is beyond me

FreakiestVintage on May 11st, 2019 at 13:24 UTC »

You see Perry the Platypus, it all started when my parents failed to show up for my own birth

lestartines on May 11st, 2019 at 13:38 UTC »

My parents went to my brother's HS grad ceremony but were very apathetic about it. Neither bothered to go up by the stage when he was walking. Everyone posed for a photo with the Principal and then walked on. He would've been posing for absolutely nobody.

I managed to squeeze out of where I was in the auditorium and run down to the stage just before he walked. I got like two very shitty photos on my cell. They've done so many shitty things like that to me in my life, I didn't want him to have to deal with that too.

LuckyFishBone on May 11st, 2019 at 13:52 UTC »

My parents didn't go to even one of my school events in my entire life. They didn't go to my high school graduation, my college graduation, or even my wedding.

Yes, of course it bothered me when I was young, but I had gotten so used to them not showing up by the time I graduated college, it was just expected. I did kind of expect them to come to my wedding though, since they went to my sisters' weddings (neither of whom graduated high school) but oh well. It just is what it is sometimes.

So I moved 1000 miles away and never looked back. They didn't get to spend time with their only grandson except when I'd visit for a couple of days about every five years (on my way to somewhere else), and they had no one to blame for that but themselves.

My cousin recently told me I broke my parents' hearts by moving so far away and rarely even calling or coming to visit. I just shrugged and told her, you reap what you sow.

She looked puzzled, so I don't think the rest of the family realizes what they did.