This homophobe is saying that he is the one being oppressed here

Image from and submitted by Never_Pie
image showing This homophobe is saying that he is the one being oppressed here

rainbowsloth82ish on May 6th, 2019 at 11:18 UTC »

Stop oppressing me from oppressing people!!!!!!!!


fudgeyboombah on May 6th, 2019 at 13:06 UTC »

What is it with the whole “why don’t we get a parade?!” argument of homophobes?

When I was a very little girl, I used to legitimately wonder why it was necessary for gay people to have “gay pride” - because I didn’t see why whether you wanted to kiss boys or girls was really something that you should be proud of, exactly, because it just... was. It was like being proud of the sun for shining. As I grew older, I learnt about homophobia and the struggle that has come before us, and I learnt why pride parades were a thing - what they actually meant and represented. Most adult human beings who live in the modern world have enough exposure to reality to understand the same basic premise at least on the most superficial level.

All of that said: if these jerks who whine on the internet about not having a parade really really want a parade, they can have one. Literally no one is stopping them. It’s not illegal. It’s expensive, and it would take a lot of work, and people would criticise and mock them, but they could throw a “straight pride” parade if they wanted to. Although my childhood question reasserts itself: whatever do you have to be proud of? It just is.

QueenElsaArrendelle on May 6th, 2019 at 15:22 UTC »

I had a heated argument yesterday with a holocaust denier who insisted his hatred of people was logical and within his rights but my simply stating I hated him was violating his rights.