Bernie Sanders auf Twitter: "The Boomer generation needed just 306 hours of minimum wage work to pay for four years of public college. Millennials need 4,459. The economy today is rigged against worki

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Stanky_Britches on April 24th, 2019 at 18:24 UTC »

This is why I donated to his campaign. He is saying what we all already know, and what what every other politician has been too weak to confront. Just imagine an America where we could actually have a chance at succeeding without having to become incredibly burdened with debt.

Bromosapien90 on April 24th, 2019 at 16:23 UTC »

Every time I see these and go into the Twitter comments, it is absolutely infuriating. People making excuses that people buy too many toys like cell phones, cable, computers. As if people in the 70s didn't buy things for their Era.

x_alexithymia on April 24th, 2019 at 15:33 UTC »

Damn dude. For perspective, 306 hours would be 8 weeks of 40 hours per week. You could easily do that during the summer between high school and college. 4,459 is the equivalent of working your full 12-week summer at 40 hours per week... for nine years.

Edit: After comparing the math to my own experience, 4,459 is also an extremely conservative estimate. Working in Ohio at minimum wage, I cleared right at $1000 per month. So $3000 per summer, over nine years would be $27,000.

I did two semesters for free at my college’s branch campus and graduated one semester early, so I had to pay for five semesters’ tuition at $5,774 per semester. That’s $28,870. So, more than Bernie’s estimate, and I paid for three fewer semesters than many or most students do. God help you if you change your major.