We should all be a bit like Canada

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by nuggetboob
image showing We should all be a bit like Canada

DontEvenSayIt on April 3rd, 2019 at 04:22 UTC »

It's disturbing when you find out how people are still being treated around the world. Like in Brunei right now.

vrodri29 on April 3rd, 2019 at 04:54 UTC »

Unfortunately, this doesn't ring true for some parts of Canada. From my experience, most people are very accepting of others and it's lovely

AloneDoughnut on April 3rd, 2019 at 06:10 UTC »

This isn't entirely true. As a Canadian, we have our bigots and haters, the asshats and corrupt politicians. But as a whole, our I find Canadians just want to live and let live. Don't take from me more than you actually need, and don't interfere in my life and we don't have a problem. If I want to be a gay man in a loving relationship, own fifteen (legally purchased, safely secured) firearms after taking my safety course, drink beer from half way across the country, and drive around in a neon pink Dodge Ram, so be it. We just want to be better than the last generation, to help people who need it, and not be taken advantage of.

We don't always get along, and we won't, and sure, we have some bad eggs, but I think Canadians want to be these people we've been held up to be. And I think, if we can at least try for that, there is nothing wrong of dreaming of the world depicted above.