Feels bad man

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by venda321
image showing Feels bad man

disgr4ce on April 1st, 2019 at 14:56 UTC »

who tf uses that font for ... anything

weerez44 on April 1st, 2019 at 15:57 UTC »

not quite the same but my wife got in trouble once in a creative writing class in college for plagiarism. She asked for them to provide evidence of which they could not. They literally accused her of something they could not prove she did. I guess people just can't be "that" good at writing on their own

EDIT: well it seems like from all the responses I got that my wife is not alone in this. Was and is this always going to be a problem? Now even in the era where this is so easy to prove?

ANOTHER EDIT: this comment isn’t bashing on teacher/professors in general. I’ve had and know amazing educators who I adore more then anything for their amazing work. I also know that, as with any field, you have good and bad apples

Alcynis on April 1st, 2019 at 17:51 UTC »

I once took an a test back in third grade, I don't recall if it was English vocab or math, and the teacher accused me of cheating. She made a big deal of someone cheating and then proceeded to call me out in front of the whole class and told me if I was that dead set on passing without learning the subject, to just walk next door (next door was the fourth grade class room). I was mortified, crying my eyes out and proceeded to walk out of class to the next room. The teacher caught me in the hall and apologized, turns out I wasn't the one who cheated but wanted to use me as an example, not actually acuse me. Turns out I actually had the highest score of the class on that test. I still remember that day more than 15 years later.